
Loving support for your treasures, from the first breath to the first flirt …

For all ages, Satya reading is the perfect starting point.

Newborns have my special care in the form of all-over guidance — instructions for healthier growth and immune system (including butterfly and metamorphic massage that can be learned online).

Toddlers are welcome to connect with me together with parents.


Meeting Call

Step one in our journey.



Agreed upon.


Follow Ups

The progress is infinite.

For young children I offer individual sessions, guidance, reading poems, talking about feelings or even staying with them online to encourage them while writing their homework.

Teenagers have the door widely opened for all they want to share.

I will share the experience I have as a parent of a child with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyspraxia.

I am not an expert in treating ADHD however you can reach out if you need to talk about your feelings and emotions or those of your child.

The session is about exploring your child’s deep feelings and emotions. We will create confidence between us and use intuitive guidance for healing possibilities. With all due respect to a child, I will follow their needs and give them space to open themselves.

There is a possibility for a session with one or both parents which depends on the child’s age (toddlers and small children). We will explore the possible approaches for a child’s well-being through your transformation. I deeply recommend the Satya reading for a better understanding of a child’s path.

Support Children

— For parents looking for guidance

— For children under the age of 18

Emotional healing expert (EFT, Theta healing practitioner), Reiki master, Graphologist, Energy medicine practitioner, Akashic readings expert.


Your Creativity is the Essence of Bliss you are waiting for. Open Sesame, just say it!

You are the architect of All that Is and Will Be. You are Building a Sacred Temple — Family.

We can carry together — you share and I care. I am your Phare shining out to stormy sea.

Find Peace and Happiness
through the Light


Night talks on Radio Slovenia

My Life Vision was explained in an interview in Slovenian language on a National Radio station.


Gratitude as a sacred form of existence.

I invite You to let your Higher Self express the Gratitude. Let’s build a Temple where we will create powerfully.

With careful attention, we focus on your wish. Our intention and intuition will create a space of trust and openness to healing.

The healthy connection is in the flow and guides us to the right process, all with the mighty power of our hearts and minds.

We express gratefulness and open hearts widely. In our world, the vulnerability and the dormant strength coexist.

Find Peace and Happiness
through the Light