Awareness about our health and well-being has been my priority since childhood. As a little girl, I wanted to heal the world and I invented some funny techniques, like splashing water on people or giving them my favorite sweets. I only responded in an innocent and childish way to my Soul’s calling.


Individual Soulful sessions and Satya readings for persons over the age of 18. Your Creativity is the Essence of Bliss you are waiting for.


Family meetings around the most important subjects — Love, Acceptance, and Compassion. You are the architect of All that Is and Will Be.


Light from Heaven will incarnate on Earth through You. Believe me that I care about your feelings and emotions. I am your Phare shining out to stormy sea.


Children are Welcome! I love to explore the kingdom of youngsters. I have always had a special connection with them. Let’s be playful in a constructive way.

The Sacred form
in our hidden insights,
since one Life is born
it expands and unites.
The Nature that births
and gives all we need,
our Mother, our essence
we bow to her seed.

Sia sanaren

Compassionate, Loving Author of Books & Poems.


Gratitude as a sacred form of existence.

I invite You to let your Higher Self express the Gratitude. Let’s build a Temple where we will create powerfully.

Mother of four, and twins. Educator. Explorer. Traveler. Writer.

I am a Human Being responding to different Life situations. I learn through Existence and I love to share my knowledge with everyone. Nature is my temple and Animals are my guides. Humans are my inspiration when they bring Light and the “fuel” for my transformation when they come as a Shadow.

I Am Here and Now.

I will be happy to meet You in this life.


Night talks on Radio Slovenia

My Life Vision was explained in an interview in Slovenian language on a National Radio station.

Find Peace and Happiness
through the Light

I focus on your wish with careful attention. Our intention and intuition will create a space of trust and openness to healing.

The healthy connection is in the flow and guides us to the right process, all with the mighty power of our hearts and minds.

We express gratefulness and open hearts widely. In our world, the vulnerability and the dormant strength coexist.