— book by sia sanaren
Pisma Srca.
Letters of the Heart
This little book is written only in Slovenian language. It’s a very personal story about the experience of mothering and motherhood. It contains 13 letters about different topics, such as Home, Love, Courage, Hope, Human, Gratitude etc. which may be a phare to a teenage son leaving home for studies in a foreign country. On a poetical way I am expressing profound emotions and I give my reasons for being a person as I am, my point of view of Life, lifestyle, Love for the Nature, etc.
This book has a profound spiritual connotation and may deeply touch the person who is reading it. It is impossible to translate it because many words I used exist only in my mother tongue. The book is a gift to everyone who wants to read it.
Night talks on Radio Slovenia
My Life Vision was explained in an interview in Slovenian language on a National Radio station.
When It Is Day
Caress your Inner Child with poems in three languages. Didactic guidelines for each poem to teach children the ethical values through the human experience.
Book by Sia Sanaren
To Love and Accept what is
Gratitude is a sacred form of Existence.
I invite You to let your Higher Self express the Gratitude. Let’s build a Temple where we will create powerfully.
Your Creativity is the Essence of Bliss you are waiting for. Open Sesame, just say it!
You are the architect of All that Is and Will Be. You are Building a Sacred Temple – Family.
Parents, I Am One of You and We Are all One. Let’s be playful in a constructive way.
Find Peace and Happiness
through the Light
I am grateful for my life path through which I am taught to be a sparkling Light for myself and all who — open-hearted and curious — walk on our beautiful Earth.
Explore your inner world through my individual sessions where I offer a safe space to be who You Are. It’s a self-research that opens the door to self-Love.
I invite You to let your Higher Self express the Gratitude. Let’s build a Temple where we will create powerfully.